New Study Sheds Light on the Best Time to Exercise for Weight Management


Krissy Vann | Host, All Things Fitness and Wellness

Obesity is a global health concern, linked to chronic illnesses and premature death. Researchers are delving into the timing of exercise to understand its impact on obesity. A recent study published in Obesity, titled "The Diurnal Pattern of Moderate-to-Vigorous Physical Activity and Obesity," adds valuable insights to this ongoing debate.

The question of when to exercise—morning or evening—has sparked considerable debate. Recent studies have only added to the complexity. The Women's Health Study suggests that less morning physical activity increases the risk of obesity. However, other research highlights the potential benefits of evening workouts, particularly concerning body mass index (BMI).

Our internal body clocks, known as circadian rhythms, regulate various bodily functions throughout the day. Shift workers often experience circadian misalignment, associated with a higher risk of obesity and metabolic issues. This underscores the importance of timing in maintaining a healthy metabolism and body weight.

The study in Obesity, categorized participants into three groups based on their daily exercise patterns: morning, midday, and evening. Morning exercisers showed a linear connection between exercise and lower BMI and waist circumference (WC). In contrast, midday and evening exercisers exhibited diminishing returns beyond the recommended 150 minutes of weekly moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA).

Morning exercise, particularly between 07:00 and 09:00, emerged as a key player in the fight against obesity. The study's findings revealed a linear association between moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) during these morning hours and reduced body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference (WC). This suggests that individuals who engage in more exercise during these morning hours tend to experience consistent and positive effects on their weight.

In contrast, the benefits of exercise seemed to plateau or diminish for those exercising later in the day. While these results highlight the potential advantages of morning exercise, it's important to remember that individual preferences and variations may still play a role in determining the most effective exercise timing for specific individuals.

Regardless of the timing preference, staying physically active is key to maintaining a healthy weight.

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