Exercise Sparks Immune Response That Fights Inflammation, Harvard Study Finds


Krissy Vann | Host, All Things Fitness and Wellness

A recent study conducted by Harvard Medical School, published in Science Immunology, delves into the fascinating connection between exercise and inflammation. While the link between physical activity and an increase in white blood cells in the bloodstream has intrigued scientists since the early 20th century, this new research uncovers the molecular explanation behind this phenomenon.

The study, performed on mice, suggests that exercise's positive effects on the body may, in part, be driven by the immune system. The research shows that muscle inflammation resulting from exertion mobilizes inflammation-countering T cells, or Tregs. These Tregs enhance the muscles' ability to utilize energy and improve overall exercise endurance.

Tregs, traditionally known for their role in suppressing inflammation associated with autoimmune diseases, emerge as significant contributors to the body's immune responses during exercise. While the findings have been established in mice and remain to be replicated in human studies, the study offers a crucial step toward understanding the cellular and molecular changes occurring during exercise, providing potential insights into its health benefits.

Exercise-induced inflammation, a temporary consequence of physical activity, triggers various metabolic processes, gene expression regulation, and increases the levels of inflammatory chemicals. In this context, Tregs help lower exercise-induced inflammation, facilitating the muscle's adaptation to the demands of regular exercise.

This study opens new doors in the quest to reduce inflammation through exercise and further highlights the significance of the body's immune defenses in maintaining health.

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