Krissy Vann | Host, All Things Fitness and Wellness

Pilates is experiencing a notable surge in popularity. With studios expanding, classes frequently selling out, and more people embracing the practice for its mind-body benefits, the demand for Pilates instructors is on the rise. A recent survey of 800 Pilates instructors worldwide, conducted by Balanced Body, highlights the rapid growth of the industry and the increasing need for qualified professionals.

According to the survey, 77% of Pilates studios reported growth, with 67% consistently filling classes to capacity. The number of new instructors entering the field has grown by 15% since 2015, with over one-third joining in the last seven years. Despite this increase, nearly 40% of studio owners report a need for additional instructors, and 30% are actively hiring to keep up with demand.

The survey also underscores high levels of job satisfaction among Pilates instructors. Of those surveyed, 89% reported they enjoy their work, and 92% would recommend the profession to others. Many instructors highlighted the personal benefits they gain, such as improved physical health and the sense of purpose that comes from helping clients achieve their fitness goals. Nearly 94% of instructors said they feel they make a meaningful impact in their clients' lives.

Flexibility is a significant factor for many instructors. On average, they work 4-5 hours per day or 15-20 hours per week, with 84% appreciating the ability to set their schedules. The profession also appeals to those balancing other careers or family responsibilities, as 40% of instructors teach part-time, and many say the role complements their other commitments.

As participation in Pilates continues to rise, the need for skilled instructors shows no signs of slowing. These findings highlight an industry thriving on the growing recognition of Pilates as a valuable component of physical fitness and overall well-being.

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