Study Identifies Longevity Hotspots: 10 Cities Where a 150-Year Lifespan Is Possible
Krissy Vann | Host, All Things Fitness and Wellness
The idea of living to 150 might sound like science fiction, but some researchers believe the first person to reach this milestone could already be among us. If so, where might they be living? What conditions would support such unprecedented longevity?
To answer these questions, Medtronic partnered with Sperling’s BestPlaces, a research firm known for its livability rankings. Together, they identified the top 10 U.S. metropolitan areas that could provide the ideal environment for someone to reach 150 years of age.
According to their findings, Washington, D.C., topped the list, followed by San Francisco, Bridgeport, Boston, and Seattle. Other cities in the top 10 include Madison, Honolulu, Portland, Denver, and Raleigh.
The rankings were based on factors that contribute to longevity, including strong social connections, wellness indicators such as smoking and obesity rates, access to healthcare, and high levels of educational attainment. Research suggests that these elements play a critical role in extending lifespan and improving overall quality of life.
One key factor in longevity is gender. Women already have a significant advantage when it comes to lifespan, though the exact reasons remain unclear. If someone does live to 150, current data suggests it will most likely be a woman.
Beyond environmental and lifestyle factors, technology is expected to play a major role in extending human life. According to the study, a majority of U.S. adults believe healthcare advancements such as brain stimulation, personalized medicine, AI, and robotics could be instrumental in pushing human lifespan to new limits.
The rankings are based on insights drawn from today’s "superagers"—people who live to 100 or beyond. By studying their habits, environments, and healthcare access, researchers are gaining a clearer picture of what it takes to live longer, healthier lives. While the idea of reaching 150 may still be theoretical, the study sheds light on the conditions that make extraordinary longevity more likely.
For now, the 150-year-old of the future remains a mystery. But if they do exist, they might already be thriving in one of these cities, benefiting from a combination of science, social support, and a well-designed environment that fosters long-term health.
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