Tackling Heart Disease: CycleBar Aligns with American Heart Association


Krissy Vann | Host, All Things Fitness and Wellness

In the face of stark statistics from the American Heart Association, the fitness industry stands as a pivotal ally in combating the rising tide of heart disease, stroke, and other cardiovascular diseases that significantly impact the United States. According to the AHA's 2023 update, heart disease remains the leading cause of death in the U.S., with cardiovascular diseases accounting for 928,741 deaths in 2020 alone. Furthermore, the prevalence of obesity among adults has seen a marked increase over the years, contributing to the escalating burden of heart-related illnesses.

Physical inactivity contributes significantly to this public health crisis, with only 24% of U.S. adults meeting the recommended guidelines for both aerobic and muscle-strengthening activities in 2018. Among high school students in 2019, less than half were active for the recommended 60 minutes or more on at least five days of the week. These statistics underline a critical need for increased physical activity across all age groups to combat the growing prevalence of overweight, obesity, and their consequent health risks.

CycleBar’s recent announcement to debut its "Strength" class format during American Heart Month directly addresses these concerns. This initiative not only aligns with the AHA's exercise recommendations—highlighting the essential role of strength training alongside aerobic exercises for heart health—but also exemplifies how the fitness industry can serve as preventative healthcare. By integrating comprehensive workouts that cater to both cardiovascular and muscular health, CycleBar is setting a precedent for how fitness centers can contribute to reducing the incidence of heart disease and stroke.

The partnership between CycleBar and the AHA for the "Life Is Why" fundraising campaign further emphasizes the fitness industry's potential to influence public health positively. Initiatives like these not only raise awareness and funds for heart disease research and education but also inspire communities to adopt healthier lifestyles. As the AHA's statistics starkly highlight the consequences of dietary risks and physical inactivity, the fitness industry's role in promoting preventive measures becomes increasingly vital. Through innovative class formats, community engagement, and supporting heart health campaigns, the fitness industry can play an integral role in shifting the landscape of cardiovascular health and wellness.

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