Plank Your Way to a Happier Heart: New Study Uncovers the Ultimate Blood Pressure Hack


Krissy Vann | Host, All Things Fitness and Wellness

Picture this: you're in the gym, and the instructor asks you to do a plank. Suddenly, your blood pressure seems to skyrocket just at the thought of it. Well, believe it or not, that very plank might be the most effective way to bring your blood pressure down!

Researchers from Canterbury Christ Church and Leicester universities conducted a study comparing different forms of exercise's effectiveness in reducing blood pressure. Surprisingly, they found that "isometric exercises," which involve engaging muscles without movement, like wall sits and planks, were nearly twice as effective as the NHS government-recommended exercise guidelines.

The study analyzed data from 270 randomized controlled clinical trials, involving nearly 16,000 participants, to measure the effects of different exercises on resting blood pressure. They looked at aerobic exercise, dynamic resistance training, Hiit, isometric exercises, and a combination of these. The results were impressive: all categories of exercise showed significant reductions in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure, but isometric exercises came out on top.

The study's authors are calling for a review of exercise guidelines for hypertension prevention and treatment based on these findings. They suggest incorporating isometric exercises, like performing 4 sets of 2-minute wall sits with 2-minute rests in between, three times a week, alongside other exercise modes to provide a broader range of options.

Ultimately, the key to maintaining lower blood pressure lies in finding exercises you enjoy. Whether it's planking or any other physical activity, sticking to a routine that you love will have a positive impact on your heart health. So, let's not forget that while exercise is essential, lifestyle changes like a healthier diet and weight management play a significant role too. So let's plank it out and make our hearts happy!

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