Study Finds: 4.5 Minutes of Exercise Daily Slashes Cancer Risk


Krissy Vann | Host, All Things Fitness and Wellness

A groundbreaking study, led by the University of Sydney, published in JAMA Oncology, suggests that a mere 4.5 minutes of intense daily activity could slash your risk of certain cancers by up to 32 percent.

Researchers closely monitored over 22,000 non-exercisers using wearable devices for nearly seven years to track their activity levels. What they found was impressive: as little as four to five minutes of vigorous intermittent lifestyle physical activity, or 'VILPA', was linked to a substantially lower cancer risk compared to those who didn't engage in VILPA.

VILPA refers to those short bursts of enthusiastic activity we all do during daily tasks, like vigorous housework, power walking, or playing high-energy games with the kids. Think of it as applying the principles of High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) to your everyday life! The study highlights that even incorporating one-minute bursts of VILPA into your day can lead to an overall reduction in cancer risk by up to 18 percent, and up to 32 percent for cancer types linked to physical activity.

While the study is observational and not conclusive about cause and effect, researchers see a strong link between VILPA and reduced cancer risk. The benefits might be attributed to VILPA's positive impact on cardio-respiratory fitness, insulin sensitivity, and chronic inflammation. This research paves the way for further investigations and underscores the potential of VILPA as a cost-free recommendation for those seeking to lower cancer risk .

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