Study Shows Weight Lifting's Anti-Aging Power on Skin


Krissy Vann | Host, All Things Fitness and Wellness

We all know that exercise is great for our overall health, but did you know that it could also be the key to achieving youthful-looking skin? While the effects of exercise on the brain and muscles have been extensively studied, its impact on skin aging has remained largely unexplored. A recent study published in Scientific Reports set out to change that by comparing the effects of two types of exercise - aerobic training (AT) and resistance training (RT) - on skin aging. The skin, being the body's largest organ and a complex neuroendocrine system, is susceptible to aging due to factors like sun exposure, hormonal changes, and inflammation.

The Skinny on Skin Aging:

As we age, our skin undergoes significant changes, primarily in the dermal layer, which is responsible for skin elasticity and structure. Environmental factors, such as sun exposure and air pollution, as well as age-related hormonal changes and inflammatory cytokines, can lead to extracellular matrix (ECM) degradation and thinner skin. These changes result in the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin. Recognizing the importance of exercise in promoting overall health, researchers set out to investigate how AT and RT can influence skin aging.

Aerobic vs. Resistance Training: Unraveling the Differences:

The 16-week intervention involved 61 healthy middle-aged Japanese women, and the results were enlightening. Both AT and RT had significant positive effects on skin elasticity and upper dermal structure. Additionally, RT showed the unique ability to improve dermal thickness, a vital factor in maintaining youthful skin. Beyond the physical effects, the exercises had different impacts on circulating factors like cytokines, hormones, and metabolites. Notably, RT increased the presence of dermal biglycan (BGN), a molecule known to play a role in skin rejuvenation. These findings highlight that each exercise type triggers distinct molecular responses in the skin, ultimately influencing the aging process.

Aerobic training and resistance training both demonstrated significant anti-aging effects on the skin, improving elasticity, and dermal structure. Additionally, resistance training stood out by promoting dermal thickness and increasing the presence of beneficial factors like BGN. So, the next time you hit the gym or go for a run, know that you are not only benefiting your heart and muscles but also taking a step towards ageless skin.

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