Tuff City Saunas | Tofino’s Oceanfront Nordic Spa


Krissy Vann | Host, All Things Fitness and Wellness

Tuff City Saunas in Tofino is the ultimate experience for outdoor sauna enthusiasts. Located right on the waterfront, these saunas offer a unique West Coast twist, with the world's largest salt water cold plunge right in the Pacific Ocean. Imagine the feeling of having the salty ocean breeze blow through your hair while you relax in a wood fired sauna, or take a quick dip in the ocean to cool off. It's a truly one-of-a-kind experience.

Tuff City Saunas has two permanent locations, one at the Pacific Sands Beach Resort and the other at MacKenzie Beach Resort. You can also find a variety of amenities, such as outdoor showers, outdoor seating, and aromatherapy. Plus, the staff are friendly and knowledgeable. After an orientation and once fully comfortable with tending to the fire you are left to enjoy your experience in private. The Tuff City Saunas team will be available as needed by phone. This allows you to fully immerse and be present for every facet of this experience.

Whether you're looking for a relaxing evening by the ocean or an invigorating experience in the great outdoors, Tuff City Saunas in Tofino is the perfect place to go.


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