1 in 8 Adults Have Used GLP-1 Drugs as Popularity and Awareness Surge, Poll Finds


Krissy Vann | Host, All Things Fitness and Wellness

A recent survey by the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) reveals the increasing popularity and public awareness of GLP-1 agonist drugs, a class of prescription medications used for weight loss, diabetes management, and heart disease treatment. The KFF Health Tracking Poll, conducted between April 23rd to May 1st, found that about one in eight adults (12%) have used GLP-1 agonists, with 6% currently taking these medications. This class of drugs includes well-known names such as Ozempic, Wegovy, and Mounjaro.

Usage of GLP-1 drugs is notably higher among individuals with specific health conditions. The survey reports that 43% of adults diagnosed with diabetes have used these medications. Additionally, a quarter of those with heart disease and 22% of individuals identified as overweight or obese in the past five years have taken these drugs. Public awareness has seen a significant boost, with 32% of adults now saying they have heard "a lot" about GLP-1 drugs, up from 19% in July 2023.

However, affordability remains a significant challenge. About half (54%) of those who have taken these medications reported difficulty affording them, including 22% who found it "very difficult." Even among insured adults, 53% struggled with the cost, despite some insurance coverage. This highlights the financial burden these potentially life-changing drugs can impose on patients. Notably, around 40% of adults who have taken GLP-1 drugs did so primarily for weight loss, underscoring their appeal as an effective weight management solution.

The rise in the use of GLP-1 drugs could have a profound impact on the obesity crisis in the United States. As these drugs become more prevalent, many gyms and health clubs are exploring ways to integrate them into their offerings. Given that muscle loss is a known side effect of GLP-1 drugs, fitness professionals have a crucial role in helping clients maintain muscle mass through proper exercise regimens.

It is important for those entering this space to do so with the appropriate education and training to ensure they can provide comprehensive support to individuals using these medications. This approach could maximize the benefits of GLP-1 drugs while mitigating potential drawbacks, contributing to a more effective overall strategy for tackling obesity and related health issues.

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