US Wellness Industry Outlook 2023: A Growing Market with Health at the Forefront


Krissy Vann | Host, All Things Fitness and Wellness

In a world where health and wellness are becoming paramount concerns for individuals, it's no surprise that the US wellness industry is experiencing exponential growth. The COVID-19 pandemic acted as a catalyst, driving consumers to prioritize their well-being and seek innovative solutions to improve their overall health. Redwood Advisors, a prominent research firm, has just released its comprehensive report, the "US Wellness Industry Outlook 2023," shedding light on the industry's evolution and potential.

The Expanding US Wellness Industry

Since Redwood Advisor's last Wellness Report in 2019, there has been a noticeable surge in US consumer interest in wellness. The pandemic, with its crises and restrictions, compelled many Americans to take charge of their health and well-being. As a result, the US wellness industry has grown significantly and is now estimated to be worth a staggering $328 billion in 2023.

This impressive figure underscores the profound shift in consumer priorities. While obesity rates and social isolation continue to pose challenges, 62% of Americans now express a heightened concern for their health compared to pre-pandemic times. This shift reflects the growing importance of health and well-being in American society, as reported by sources like the Wall Street Journal and the World Economic Forum.

Diverse Wellness Innovations

One striking aspect of the US wellness industry's growth is the proliferation of innovative solutions and consumer choices. Consumers today have a vast array of options to optimize their health and well-being.

  1. Emotional Wellbeing: In a $14 billion market segment, consumers can choose from over 2,500 meditation apps, highlighting the increased focus on mental health. Teletherapy services have also expanded, making mental health support more accessible.

  2. Nutrition: The nutrition market, valued at $222 billion, is witnessing a transformation. Health-conscious restaurant chains like Sweetgreen are redefining dining experiences, and new weight loss drugs such as Ozempic offer potential solutions to the obesity crisis.

  3. Physical Activity: With a market worth $71 billion, premium boutique gyms like SoulCycle and Barry's Bootcamp have thrived by fostering strong communities, catering to consumers seeking social interaction and friendship.

  4. Sleep: In the $21 billion sleep industry, precision sleep trackers like Oura have gained popularity, and some companies are using genetic data to personalize dietary recommendations.

These innovations offer informed and ambitious consumers the tools they need to make positive changes in their lives.

Wellness as a Top Priority

Consumer sentiments are shifting, with wellness now emerging as a top priority in daily life for 50% of Americans. The days of phrases like "I'll sleep when I'm dead" and skepticism towards mental health services are waning. Wellness is no longer a luxury but a necessity for many.

The Influence of Younger Generations

Younger generations are driving this wellness revolution. More than six in seven individuals aged 13 to 36 reported taking steps to improve their health in 2019. Health and well-being are becoming status symbols and defining elements of personal identity and community.

Blurring Lines in Wellness Categories

A noteworthy trend is the blurring of lines between wellness categories. Players in one category, such as gyms, are seizing opportunities to expand into adjacent spaces, such as nutrition and supplements. For example, mental well-being has become the primary reason for exercising, indicating that gym-focused businesses can provide more than just traditional gym services.

Future Prospects and Opportunities

Understanding the current and future landscape of the wellness industry is crucial for existing and potential players. As the relationship between wellness and long-term health becomes more apparent, some insurers are even starting to reimburse gym memberships and healthy food, potentially unlocking billions of dollars in value within the wellness market. With US healthcare spending exceeding $4.3 trillion, over ten times the size of the US wellness market, the potential for growth is substantial.

The US wellness industry is thriving and evolving at an impressive pace. As consumers increasingly prioritize their health and well-being, the market continues to expand with innovative solutions. For businesses, investors, and entrepreneurs, the opportunities in this industry are vast and promising, with the potential to make a significant difference in the lives of consumers.


  1. WSJ

  2. World Economic Forum

  3. QZ

  4. Business Wire

  5. Harvard School of Public Health

  6. McKinsey

  7. Redwood Advisors' "US Wellness Industry Outlook 2023" Report

  8. Luke Carlson, CEO of Discover Strength

  9. US Healthcare Spending Data

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