All Things Fitness and Wellness

All Things Fitness and Wellness

Hannah Ungar Hannah Ungar

Dangers of Diet Culture | Connecting Mind-Body Nutrition with Nadine Dumas

Diet culture is a social expectation for how you should eat and look. Cover Model, emotional eating expert, and health coach Nadine Dumas joins The All Things Fitness and Wellness Podcast to kick off 2023.

In this episode she opens up about the realities competitors and individuals face when embarking on rigorous diets. She provides personal insight from her own experience in the fitness industry and battling diet culture during competition.

After moving to the Cayman Islands from Canada, Dumas joined a gym for the first time to build community. After observing people training for fitness competitions she decided to try it for herself. Dumas was hooked and during her last competition she was ranked 2nd in the world for the (natural) drug tested bikini category.

She enjoyed the industry so much she became co-owner of the International Natural Bodybuilding Federation and started coaching competitors on full body transformations.

After witnessing the harsh realities many competitors face she has continued her education to transition into a more holistic approach.

Dumas is a mind-body nutrition and emotional eating coach.

Nadine Dumas has been featured by some of the most notable platforms and publications such as Forbes, Inc. Magazine, Oxygen magazine, Inside Fitness Magazine and Women's Health and Fitness.

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Hannah Ungar Hannah Ungar

Why New Year’s Resolutions Fail and Proven Tips to Succeed in 2023 with Dr. Hayley Perlus

80% of New Years Resolutions fail by February. Dr. Hayley Perlus shares her proven tips on goal setting, building habits, and navigating barriers that stand in the way of your success.

Dr. Haley Perlus has a Phd. in Sports Psychology and has worked with some of the worlds top athletes, brands, and fitness experts.

Dr. Perlus shares actionable steps you can take towards the goals you set for the New Year. She addresses how to overcome failure and what to do if you are starting off 2023 burnt out.

Her tips are easy to integrate, which means you don't need to wait for the New Year and the arrival of 2023 to get started on your resolutions.

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