EGYM and Hussle Unite to Transform Workplace Wellness

Discover how EGYM's acquisition of Hussle is transforming the corporate wellness landscape in Europe. Learn about the expanded Wellpass network offering access to over 1,500 gyms, pools, and spas, and how this partnership is revolutionizing workplace wellness programs. Explore the benefits for employees and the growth of the corporate wellness market.

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Walk This Way: How Your Genes Determine Your Steps to Avoid Obesity

Discover how genetics affect your exercise needs for obesity prevention. A groundbreaking study reveals why some need to walk more steps daily based on their genetic risk. Learn how personalized step counts can revolutionize obesity management.

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Exercise Your Way to Better Zs: A Decade-Long Study Connects Physical Activity with Improved Sleep

Discover how staying physically active can lead to better sleep quality over time. This in-depth study spanning ten years and involving over 4,300 participants reveals the link between regular exercise and reduced insomnia symptoms. Learn about the benefits of consistent physical activity for achieving the ideal 6 to 9 hours of sleep and how it impacts sleep disorders. Unlock the secret to restful nights through fitness and say goodbye to sleepless nights.

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TRX® Debuts Global Headquarters and State-of-the-Art Training Center

Explore TRX®'s new global headquarters and state-of-the-art TRX Training Center in South Florida. Discover luxurious amenities, cutting-edge training facilities, and exclusive fitness classes led by top trainers. Join the future of functional training and wellness today.

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EGYM 'Genius': Outsmarting Traditional Workouts with AI

Discover EGYM 'Genius', the latest AI-driven fitness solution revolutionizing personalized training plans. Learn how 'Genius' leverages advanced data to tailor workouts for every fitness level, seamlessly integrating with gym equipment for a smarter, more effective gym experience.

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Oprah Winfrey Sheds Light on Obesity and Weight-Loss Medication

The fitness industry is currently navigating new terrain with the emergence of GLP-1 and weight-loss drugs, sparking a debate on integrating these medical advances into fitness programs. This comes at a time when media mogul Oprah Winfrey revisited television with a special that highlighted the complexities of obesity as a disease and the potential life-altering impact of weight-loss medications such as Wegovy and Zepbound.

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Exercise in a Capsule? Science's Latest Leap

Discover the groundbreaking research on a new pill that mimics the health benefits of physical exercise. Learn how this innovative discovery could revolutionize treatment for muscle atrophy, heart failure, and neurodegenerative diseases. A future of fitness and wellness without the sweat is on the horizon.

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From Goals to Wellness Goals: Cristiano Ronaldo's Erakulis App Aims High

The fitness and wellness app space is set to receive a significant boost with the introduction of an all-encompassing wellness platform spearheaded by none other than Portuguese soccer legend Cristiano Ronaldo. The forthcoming app, Erakulis, promises to revolutionize the way we approach health by merging fitness, nutrition, and mental well-being into a cohesive and user-friendly experience.

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