Gen Z Leads in Willingness to Spend on Health, According to Forbes Survey

81% of U.S. adults are willing to invest in longer, healthier lives, with Gen Z leading in spending, according to a Forbes survey on health and longevity.

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Yoga Practice Among Americans Reaches New Heights, CDC Survey Finds

Discover the long-term benefits of heavy resistance training for retirees. Learn how lifting weights can preserve muscle strength for up to four years, promoting active aging and improved health.

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Heavy Lifting Holds Up: Muscle Gains Lasting 4 Years for Retirees

Discover the long-term benefits of heavy resistance training for retirees. Learn how lifting weights can preserve muscle strength for up to four years, promoting active aging and improved health.

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Social Connections Are Key to Enhancing Senior Fitness, Study Finds

Discover how social connections significantly impact senior fitness. A recent study unveils the crucial role of peer support and community in boosting physical activity among older adults, highlighting the need for integrated social strategies in health interventions. Learn more about the transformative power of social bonds in enhancing the well-being and activity levels of seniors.

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