Prescribe Nature: Elevating Healthcare through PaRx


Krissy Vann | Host, All Things Fitness and Wellness

In a world where healthcare often revolves around medications and procedures, a refreshing initiative is changing the narrative. Meet PaRx, the brainchild of the BC Parks Foundation, orchestrated by healthcare professionals, and grounded in the concept of integrating nature into wellness. It's more than a prescription; it's a lifestyle enhancer.

PaRx introduces an innovative approach to healthcare, connecting patients with nature as a means to improve overall well-being. This initiative provides healthcare providers with practical resources and patient handouts, making it convenient and enjoyable to prescribe time in nature. Beyond a traditional prescription, PaRx offers a unique code that customizes each prescription file, ensuring seamless integration and tracking.

Why consider a nature prescription? The benefits are plenty. Research consistently highlights the positive impact of spending time outdoors – from reducing chronic illnesses to enhancing mental health. Written prescriptions have a psychological impact that surpasses oral advice, and healthcare professionals, known for their credibility, have a unique ability to inspire patients to embrace these recommendations. Moreover, PaRx not only fosters individual health but also nurtures an environmental connection, encouraging both patients and providers to contribute to a healthier planet.

From the pioneering doctors in New Zealand issuing green prescriptions in the late nineties to the UK government's £4 million investment in a green-prescription pilot in 2020, the concept of prescribing nature for well-being has evolved into a worldwide phenomenon. Japan's advocacy for 'shinrin yoku' or 'forest bathing' since 1982, the Park Rx America platform in the United States, and South Korea's forest bathing initiatives underscore nature's global healing influence.

Even within urban environments, the healing power of nature is palpable. Evidence from Finland indicates that a brief 15-minute walk in a city park can significantly enhance one's energy and vitality. Meanwhile, Canada contributes to this global shift, with research finding that introducing more trees into urban landscapes fosters an uplift in perceived health and well-being, akin to the positive impact of a $10 000 wage increase or turning the clock back 7 years.

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